NLP the esential guide. Presuppositions the most important part of Neuro Linguistic Programming revealed in this free report.

NLP Neuro-linguistic programming.
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Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They used information from hypnotists and therapists to create a new way of thinking about the world, and the way people interact within it.

It was created as a way to do whatever you want in your life. It contains presuppositions which are the basis of thinking. If you learn the presuppositions you will find it a lot easier to influence people. They should make a lot of things to clear you, like why people do the things they do and why they do things that don't seem to make any logical sense.

There have been lots of things added to NLP but this is the core. The extra techniques are of course useful, but they stem from the basic framework outlined below. It gives you the attitude you need to live your life the way you want. The presuppositions give you an operating manual to your mind.


We don't actually experience reality, we have our own take on it. We take all the things we see and hear and interpret them in our own way. We decide to follow a certain reality that is created for us by our unconscious mind. It's like only choosing one TV channel you wish to watch out of the thousands available. Other people will be watching a different channel and so have a different perspective to you. You have a channel decoder available to you so you can watch any of the channels if you wish, but most people just stick to the same one, though the content of the channel will gradually change during their lifetime.

The channel decoder is your five senses that process all the information you encounter. It's like when you are watching the news on your chosen channel, you don't get to see the actual event that the reporter is covering, you just get his interpretation of it. The reporter is probably biased in some way and will no doubt miss some of the information that could be important to the story he is covering.

The TV channel also filters out a lot of information that you don't need and provides you with the things you do need. You probably don't know every street and how to get to all the places in the area that you live (unless you're a London cabbie of course), but that doesn't matter you don't need to. You just need to know how to find your way to the places which are important to you.

Unsurprisingly people act according to their reality of the world. It's as if the news reporter tells you how to act as well as giving you a distorted view of the world. An example of this is when someone dies and certain cultures celebrate the persons life, whilst in others they mourn the death. They have chosen to frame the death in the socially acceptable context for the culture they are in.

You can control the conversation by selecting which frame to place it in. Influence the person you are communicating with by selecting which context you are going to talk in. You can choose to talk about a subject in a good light, even if that isn't the way it's normally represented.

The meaning in any situation is the meaning you give it. You don't have to act in a certain way in a particular situation. You should have as many alternatives available as possible. If someone 'cuts you up' on the road you don't have to act aggressively, shouting and swearing, after all what good will it do. They didn't necessarily do it on purpose and they probably won't hear your shouts anyway.

The meaning that is taken from things that are said or done, changes depending on the situation. The swearing in the example above would probably be taken as aggression, but in a comedy club swearing would be taken as humour.

Aggression isn't a good behaviour to have when you're driving, but it would be the right behaviour to have if you had to break down a door to escape a burning building. Every behaviour can be useful in the correct situation.

You should be as flexible as possible in your reality. Expand the size of your mental map because the person with the most options can exert the most influence.

Just as you choose the meaning when people are communicating with you, the meaning of your communication is the response you get. If you don't get the response you want from your communication change your approach until you do. Communication doesn't just mean talking or writing, it can be body language, pauses in speech, tone of voice and even silence.

Your communication should also increase the choices you give yourself and the choices you give to the people you talk to. Increased choices will enable you to make better decisions, people generally make the best choices available to them when they take action.

You have to take responsibility for the results that come from your communication and your actions. Remember people are working in their own mental maps, so use their map to appeal to them.

If you are able to use their map you will easily gain rapport. Once you have rapport you can lead them to new ideas and expand their map. If you feel resistance you have lost rapport, so move back to the centre of their map and try a different approach.

Even if you aren't able to lead them where you want, you shouldn't consider it failure. There are no failures only results. It may not be the result you were after but you will learn from it and move on to try other approaches. After all you have the resources you need to succeed, everyone does if they are only willing to access them.

People can make associations with anything instantly if the state of mind at the time is intense enough. Traumatic events in childhood can affect the person for the rest of their life. The traumatic event may not actually have really been that dangerous from an adult perspective, but the adult still has a phobia about it. Linking a seemingly normal event to great fear in childhood can leave long lasting phobias.

The sequence of thoughts you use to come to a decision is important in NLP. If you want to model someone effectively you need to find out the sequence and type of thoughts used to effect the result desired. Everything you do has a sequence of thoughts associated with it. Perhaps you visualise what needs to happen or what someone has to say to you in order for the situation to take place.

The Triggers of Success
More ways to influence.

How to Influence and Persuade
Secrets revealed in another free report.

How to Create an Amazing First Impression
Get new people to see you in a good light before you've even spoken.

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